Religious Moderation Strategy in Indonesian Islamic Universities from an ‘Urf Perspective

Writers: Dr. H. Ikhwanuddin Harahap, MAg, Subhan, SAg, MAg
Publisher: Bypass
ISBN: 978-623-8244-26-3
Size: 15 x 23 cm
Content paper: Bookpaper 70gram
Pages: 68 halaman
Cover paper : AC 260 gr, Soft Cover
Publish : December 2024

Religious moderation is one of the National Policy Directions in mental revolution and cultural development as a manifestation of the seven development agendas of President Joko Widodo’s government. Religious moderation is a priority program in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. This priority program is outlined by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Religion by strengthening the mainstreaming of religious moderation.

Islamic Religious Universities implement religious moderation in 2 mainstream strategies, namely the first strategy, the strategy of formalizing religious moderation and the second, the strategy of harmonizing religious moderation. Formalizing religious moderation is an effort to ground religious moderation through formal institutions and a series of formal activities carried out by Indonesian Islamic Universities. Meanwhile, the strategy of harmonizing religious moderation carried out at Indonesian Islamic Universities is an effort by the campus to harmonize various components inside and outside the campus.

Indonesian Islamic Universities very multicultural campus life is a main force in efforts to strengthen religious moderation. The cultural approach strategy is considered very effective as a foundation for implementing religious moderation. This cultural foundation is shared by Indonesian Islamic Universities academics. In Manado, the cultural philosophy of is known Torang Semua Basudaro, in Minangkabau the Adat Basandi Syara’, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah, in Sorong it is known as Satu Tungku Tiga Batu, at Tapanuli is known Dalihan na Tolu. This book will explain all about Religious Moderation Strategy in Indonesian Islamic Universities from an ‘Urf Perspective.

